Thursday, June 21, 2012

Levi's shorts

EN: Hello, my mom didn't come back yet so I'm still alone with my baby (I can't count to much on my husband because he's gone most of the day), therefor I'll make this post really quick. The pictures are about one month old but I totally forgot about them. I just found them the other day on my memory stick and since I don't have anything else to post I thought to my self that this would be a great outfit to share with you.
In another vein, SALES have just started here so I'm so excited. I found something nice at H&M and Mango but I'm still waiting for the sales at Zara where I'm sure I'll spend all my money.

RO: Buna, mama nu s-a intors inca asa ca sunt tot singura ca baietelul meu (sotul nu se pune ca e plecat aproape toata ziua si pe langa asta e praf la schimbat scutece). Pozele astea sunt putin mai vechi, le-am facut cam acu o luna si, cum am memoria unei gaini, normal ca am uitat de ele. Am dat peste ele zilele trecute cand vroiam sa pun niste muzica pe un stick si mi-am zis ca au picat chiar la fix pt ca nu aveam ce alceva sa postez.

In alta ordine de idei, ati vazut ca au inceput REDUCERILE? oh my, ce-mi plac mie reducerile, imi pierd total capul si ma avant in tot felul de cumparaturi si apoi ma bosumflu ca imi dau seama ca mi-e gol cardul si eu mi-as mai lua o camasuta, o pereche de pantofi, o rochita etc. Asa, si dupa aceea vin reducerile de 70 % unde gasesc cam tot ced mi-am luat eu la 20 % reducere si normal ca ce nu mi-am luat la 20 % reducere ca am zis: "Las ca se mai ieftinesc un pic" nu mai gasesc. Oh Doamne, da grea mai e viata asta shopaholic. Anul acesta mi-am propus insa sa fiu cumpatata. Pana acum mi-am luat doar un sacou de la H&M si un plovaras de la Mango, dar nu au bagat inca reducerile la Zara ca acolo se duce tot banetul. Apropo, daca are cineva idee cand au de gand sa bage si ei reducerile sa ma anunte si pe mine. 

Wakacyjne inspiracje!

Aby przyspieszyć czas oczekiwania na wakacje dodaję  letnie zdjęcia. Niech zainspirują Was do świetnej zabawy, by ten wolny czas wykorzystać jak najlepiej! :D 

Gdzie zamierzacie wypoczywać? 

obtrude:  untitled by millie clinton. on Flickr.
f4lconpunch:  this describes how i feel




"I think that ideas exist outside of ourselves. I think somewhere, we're all connected off in some very abstract land. But somewhere between there and here ideas exist. And I think the mind isn't conscious enough to go all the way to where we're connected, but it's conscious of a certain amount of that territory. And when these ideas fly into the conscious part, then you can capture them. But if they're outside of the conscious part, you don't even know about them. So you just hope that you can make the conscious part of your mind bigger or that these ideas will fly into your airspace, so you can shoot them down and grab them and take them home. So that's all you try to do. Sometimes an idea will strike you when you're sitting in a quiet chair. But sometimes an idea will strike you when you're standing. Sometimes music will also help you. If I thought I could just sit still in a quiet place and get ideas, I would do that all the time, but sometimes nothing happens. There's no rhyme or reason to it. But you've got to write them down right away. I forget so many things. Then if I forget it and try to remember it, my whole day is ruined because I can't remember and I feel horrible. And I imagine that it was one of the all time great ideas. And it probably isn't."

I wasn't able to find the exact translation to this particular quote or maybe I just wasn't trying hard enough.Anyway both of them are about ideas that exist in this world.Ideas are everything and some of them can be compared to viruses because of how fast they sometimes tend to spread in out minds.
Right now I am really hoping that this Summer I will be able to produce at least one good idea which will grow into something more!
Enjoy the beautiful season!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bird of Paradise

i picked up these zara pants at the 3rd street store the day i went to the beach. loving the givenchy-esque print. reminds me of those scary plants called bird of paradise. seriously, they really creep me out. but i dont mind so much as a print on my legs as opposed to it being right there poking your arms as you get out of your car in a parking lot (somehow these plants are always in parking lots). but anyway, i hope you guys had an awesome fun filled weekend! xo.

Summer must-haves