Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Us & Ourselves

It has been a while my fellow bloggers. How's it going? I've been alright as well. Blogging for me can be very... frustrating. I have so many ideas running through my head and when I finally sit down to write, I just blank and sit there trying to decipher my thoughts. It never works out like I planned but hey, thats life for you.

Since my last post, about a month ago, I've started my job at the Government of Alberta as a summer student, got back into tennis and soccer, and caught up with friends who I haven't seen since High School. It's been nice to have a steady full time job but man am I not a morning person. If you want to talk to me in the morning, don't. I will not be kind. I will not be happy. I will be very confused and angry. Especially at 6:40 am. I know thats not that early but its a big change from school. I would wake up at 10 am for my 12 pm class and I would some how manage to be late... I hope my dad doesn't read my blog... Anyways, I hope you guys have also been having a wonderful summer.

I will leave you with a random outfit I threw together because I bought new jeans a while back. Oh yeah, the tie bar was given to me by my sister for Christmas. I really love it because she got my initials engraved on the back! Thanks a lot big sis :D

PS. I forgot to mention, when I had some... free time at work, I put together a tumblr for fun!
If you want to check it out, here it is: No Place For Wimps. Hopefully the title isn't too ridiculous.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

koko euro spoko

A pair of patent leather shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: patent leather shoes, sheepskin shoes, skidproof rubber sole, etc.

Tytuł chyba mówi sam za siebie, piosenka Polski na euro wzbudziła tyle emocji i kontrowersji, jak żadna inna.

Przerobiona jest już na YouTube na 100 różnych sposobów, skrytykowana na milion kolejnych sposobów. Ja jestem ciekawa co Wy o niej sądzicie? Moje stanowisko jest takie, moja mama czasem powiadała "wieś tańczy i śpiewa" i w końcu dzięki tej piosence zrozumiałam co kryje się za tą sentencją ;D Trafia idealnie w sedno sprawy ;D

I jak tam w ogóle przed Euro Wasi panowie? ja to mam mojego z głowy na ten czas, raz na czas obejrzę z nim jakiś fajniejszy mecz no ale bez przesady z taką ilością - umarłabym chyba przed tym telewizorem, tym bardziej, że ja TV praktycznie w ogóle nie oglądam.

Dzisiejszy outfit właśnie w tej tematyce. Mój mężczyzna uwielbia ten t-shirt, a naszyjnik jeszcze bardziej, gdyż  związane to jest z jego zawodem:) Plener boiska, dość starego, ale za to spokojnego z pięknym krajobrazem na około. :)

Jak pewnie zauważycie trochę przerobiłam zdjęcia. Wolicie takie urozmaicone, czy może zwykłe, - prosto z aparatu? Będę wdzięczna za każdą sugestię pod tym kątem, bo blog ma być przede wszystkim atrakcyjny dla Was. Aby miło się tutaj wchodziło:)


Monday, May 21, 2012

boho chic

Witajcie moi Drodzy!
Dzisiejszy zestaw całkowicie leniwy, letni i niezobowiązujący do czegokolwiek. Za to możliwy przy wyjeździe za miasto.

Jak (czy) Wam się podoba mój indiański przebieraniec?


Pela primeira vez...

...vou pedir-vos que façam um gosto por mim! Estou a participar num passatempo da Revista Happy Woman e gostava que fizessem um gosto na minha frase. As 30 frases com mais gostos passam à fase seguinte. Sei que há pessoas que não gostam destas coisas, normalmente não entro neste tipo de passatempo mas desta vez deixei-me levar. Posso contar com vocês? Se quiserem participem que dou um like!

brocade and stripes

I love mixing different prints and fabrics! :)
I liebe es, verschiedene Muster und Stoffe miteinander zu kombinieren. Meine Umwelt war davon wohl nicht so begeistert, denn ich habe am Wochenende mal wieder viele komische Blicke geerntet... Who cares!? :)

shirt: promod
skirt: shoppalu
pointed heels: oasap

Thursday, May 17, 2012

confess you're sinds

So tomorrow the Norwegian national day takes place, and like all other countries we offcourse celebrate night until the actual day. I am going to a electronicaparty, and no less this party is held place in one of oslo's most beautiful churches. So today i am going to confess my sinds and dance with the devil.

Until then i need to get a bite to eat, make myself ready for school, and offcourse attend this school i go to. Hah

picture of Åsne from yesterdays schoolday

Friday, May 11, 2012

wishlist FOSSIL

Todo ele é a minha carinha. Digam lá que não é lindo?

Mostro outros que também gostem, mas que não me encheram tanto as medidas como este :)

blue dress

Check Shirt from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite Check Shirt at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP. A pair of sheepskin shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: patent leather shoes, sheepskin shoes, skidproof rubber sole, etc.

Trampki do długiej sukienki? Dla mnie to oczywista oczywistość, typowy miejski zestaw:) 
Ciekawe ile razy przeczytam, że nie pasują do tego zestawu:) 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Parceria Rainbow of beauty

Olá meninas, recentemente fiz uma parceria com a Loja Rainbow of Beauty , posso-vos de dizer que é de se apaixonar por esta loja, tem coisas que muitas meninas vão gostar :b
Tem desde cosméticos a sapatos, a malas , vestuário  e tudo coisas lindas, vou deixar-vos aqui com alguns exemplos :

Amuse cosmetics 


Friday, May 4, 2012

a hint of summer

A pair of patent leather shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: patent leather shoes, sheepskin shoes, skidproof rubber sole, etc. Find the latest women's high street fashion hair accessories online with Oasap, shop for women's high street fashion hair accessories, headbands at Oasap high street fashion store.

shrunken denim jacket; gifted Forever 21 panda necklace; thrifted stripe blouse and belt; H&M chinos and sunnies; and BDG tassel loafers 

Temperatures reached 85 degrees today. However, I wasn't able to wear the dress I planned like I mentioned in the previous post. 'Twas too wrinkly, too black, and too long (knee-length is basically a ball gown in this heat). Instead, I wore light layers and bright colors to mirror the vibe of the day. The hint of summer in the air also gave me an excuse to wear my new sunnies I bought last week at H&M. I have yet to own a pair of cat eye sunglasses so I was thrilled to buy a pair that has the classic retro silhouette in an oversized shape and tortoise shell print. It's the right amount of vampy eye candy - see what I did there - that will carry me through these delectably warm days. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Featured In Grazia ''Easy Shop''

A pair of patent leather shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: patent leather shoes, sheepskin shoes, skidproof rubber sole, etc. Everybody is wowed by the bold colors and exaggerated platform of the creepers, while the street fashion girls who wear them just send back a confident smile. Creepers, favorite of Vivienne Westwood, demonstrate the rebellion of traditional design and streamline your legs. Refine your wardrobe with Oasap fashion creepers collection.


Zadovoljstvo mi je da sekciju ''Features & Press'' osvežim izdanjem koje u svom naslovu ima prefiks ''Grazia''. Naime, u aktuelnom specijalnom izdanju Grazia ''Easy Shop''-a, koji je od danas u prodaji, našla se i moja intervju-šoping lista u kojoj se bavim predlozima na temu mode, kozmetike, knjiga i putovanja za ovo proleće. Da ne bih isuviše otkrivala ostavljam vas sa par gvir-fotografija, dok vas detaljniji uvid čeka na prvom kiosku. 
Do idućeg posta uživajte u prazničnim danima...Vaša B.

 Featured in special issue of Grazia ''Easy Shop'' for may-july (Serbian edition).
I talked about my spring shopping proposals for fashion, cosmetics, books and traveling. 
Here are some ''inside'' photos. Until next post greetings for all...Yours B.
